Monday, December 31, 2012


Well today is the day we have all been waiting for. I am staying up tonight and watching the beautiful ball drop tonight at New York City from my T.V. in my cozy house. Tomorrow I will post a ROBLOX video of all the pictures I have taken this year and I will name it ROBLOX in a Nutshell. Sound familiar? Well before I settle into my bed and turn on my T.V and watch the 2013 "commencing" happen with my family, I would like to give you guys a quick mini video on what I loved about this year. Please watch the whole thing and I will soon upload it to YouTube on my GabesGamesVids account. I almost forgot, I posted a ROBLOX 2012 video on that account and I wanted to get a lot of subscribers.. My goal for 2013 is to reach 1,000 blog views and 300 YouTube views. I can't wait for the ball drop. I might even cry, heh. Well I love you guys and you have been the best. I will see you tomorrow in 2013!!!!!!

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